
Secure Email (IMAP, POP3 and SMTP)

We’re excited to announce that all Mr.Host email servers have been upgraded to support secure encrypted email, for both receiving (POP3 and IMAP), and sending (SMTP) email.

We’ve included support for both TLS (STARTTLS) and SSL, as support between email clients can vary. If you’re not sure what this means, just rest assured, if your email client supports encrypted email, it will work with our system.

Technical Details

We support TLS (STARTTLS) on the standard email ports – 110 for POP3, 143 for IMAP and 587 for SMTP. This should be what customers use by default, as it requires the least number of changes in your email clients.

We also support POP3s on port 995, IMAPs on port 993 and SMTPs on port 465.

How to Upgrade

We’ve added a Knowledge Base article with details on how to enable encrypted email in the most common email clients. It’s available here:


If you have any questions or need help configuring your email client, you can contact us @ help@mrhost.ca