Knowledge Base

The Mr.Host Knowledge Base is organized in to multiple categories; You can either browse by category below, or use the search feature to find the answer to your question.

Websites > Web Stats
You can access processed web stats for your websites, from the web stats section of the Customer Control Panel. Web stats are processed once daily at midnight (PST). Web
Websites > Web Stats
Countries are determined based on the top level domain of the requesting site. This is somewhat questionable however, as there is no longer strong enforcement of domains as there was in the past. A
Websites > Web Stats
Entry/Exit pages are those pages that were the first requested in a visit (Entry), and the last requested (Exit). These pages are calculated using the Visits logic above. When a visit is first trigger
Websites > Web Stats
Files represent the total number of hits (requests) that actually resulted in something being sent back to the user. Not all hits will send data, such as 404-Not Found requests and requests for pages
Websites > Web Stats
Hits represent the total number of requests made to the server during the given time period (month, day, hour etc..). To check your current web stats, visit the websites section of the Customer Con
Websites > Web Stats
A KByte (KB) is 1024 bytes (1 Kilobyte). Used to show the amount of data that was transfered between the server and the remote machine, based on the data found in the server log. To check your curr
Websites > Web Stats
Pages are those URLs that would be considered the actual page being requested, and not all of the individual items that make it up (such as graphics and audio clips). Some people call this metric p
Websites > Web Stats
Referrers are those URLs that lead a user to your site or caused the browser to request something from your server. The vast majority of requests are made from your own URLs, since most HTML pages con
Websites > Web Stats
Response Codes are defined as part of the HTTP/1.1 protocol. These codes are generated by the web server and indicate the completion status of each request made to it. To check your current web sta
Websites > Web Stats
Search Strings are obtained from examining the referrer string and looking for known patterns from various search engines. The search engines and the patterns to look for can be specified by the user
Websites > Web Stats
A Site is a remote machine that makes requests to your server, and is based on the remote machines IP Address/Hostname. To check your current web stats, visit the websites section of the Customer C
Websites > Web Stats
Sites is the number of unique IP addresses/hostnames that made requests to the server. Care should be taken when using this metric for anything other than that. Many users can appear to come from a si
Websites > Web Stats
URL - Uniform Resource Locator. All requests made to a web server need to request something. A URL is that something, and represents an object somewhere on your server, that is accessable to the re
Websites > Web Stats
User Agents are a fancy name for browsers. Netscape, Opera, Konqueror, etc.. are all User Agents, and each reports itself in a unique way to your server. Keep in mind however, that many browsers allow
Websites > Web Stats
Visits occur when some remote site makes a request for a page on your server for the first time. As long as the same site keeps making requests within a given timeout period, they will all be consider
Websites > Web Stats
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